Archival Home Page - from the Beattie Bligh days

"If Premier Beattie can listen to Gold Coasters what is the problem with (ex) Transport Minister Paul Lucas and this ridiculous Marine Simulator?"

Seaworld eye ferris wheel image courtesy Gold Coast Accommodation

Please move the Sea World Eye Ferris Wheel out of our public open space

The Weekend GC Bulletin, 'Spit-acular Scheme' 26 October 2006

"...Transport Minister Paul Lucas said yesterday the State Government was 'very keen' to ensure The Spit was turned into a world-class marine hub, after the Government axed the cruise ship terminal project just before the state election.

"We're very keen to encourage appropriate job-creating opportunities and the Gold Coast is not only a tourist mecca, but it has to embrace smart-industry initiatives such as boating and the marine industry," he said.

"When the cruise ship terminal project didn't proceed, other alternatives had to be explored to encourage development that takes into account the tourism potential, something that encourages the superyacht industry."

Anna Bligh says (21 August 2006)

"I would expect to see different options being put forward including the possibility of superyacht facilities in the marine stadium area but there are other possibilities that developers may bring forward for the location and we would consider all of them as part of the total package."
Government plans for future Spit vision: Bligh>>


A Developer website states that : BIAQ Chair, Mr Barry Jenkins has stated: "The BIAQ supports the Master Plan marina concept & the total development because we see it as a win-win situation for all those involved not just a recreational boater but the entire community" (2 Nov 2006).

This quote is unconfirmed, but if accurate, SOSA strongly disagrees with that assessment. Given the BIAQ's former supportive position of "Bums Bay Must Stay", this would be a very disappointing turnaround.

BIAQ members may wish to verify the BIAQ position and to communicate their views on this ASAP.

original stance... the BIAQ wants, the Marine Stadium, known also as Bum's Bay, at the Spit to remain a natural haven.....



The Boating Industry Association of Queensland wants Bum's Bay at the Spit to remain a natural haven and not be the future home of a superyacht marina.

BIAQ General Manager Barry Hibberd, said the future of the Gold Coast depended on a delicate balance between the natural and built environment.

Mr Hibberd said a more appropriate site for the superyachts was further south near existing marinas.

"Bum's Bay is a natural harbour safe in all weather and ideal for families for a day sail or overnight," he said.

"It is the exact opposite to the sophisticated marina development required by superyacht owners."

Mr Hibberd said there needed to be a balance.

"This is the key to the Gold Coast's success with its built high-rise and theme parks balanced by the beach, surf and hinterland," he said.

"Bum's Bay and a superyacht marina further south would provide a balance for the marine environment, with something for everyone."

Boating Industry Association of Qld 6 August 2006

Urban Development Industry Association (UDIA, GC Tweed) President Kerrie Young says:

"... it is a concern that the Government was so supportive of the project [cruise terminal] without knowing the full costs implications for residents...

"What worries us is that they still seem keen to pursue the facilities of marine stadium - including marinas, dining and other development - and I don't think they, or the community, know the full ramifications or indeed the economic benefits at this stage..."

[Editorial, Gold Coast Business News, August 2006]

This excerpt is a Editorial Comment in relation to the GCCC Vision 2020 Project.

"The Spit and the Broadwater are integral to the Northern Gold Coast. They are a paradise that allows residents and visitors escape the concrete canyons and the hustle and bustle of the city. Certainly they deserve to be treated with respect and all efforts should be made to preserve them. But one of the gravest concerns is an underlying suspicion that much of this report is developer-driven. It classifies the Broadwater not as an area for the people but as a resource to be milked. Once the Broadwater and other areas like it are seen as a source of revenue it is only a short step to making them a commercial zone".

Excerpts from "Editorial - Weekend Bulletin December 14-15, 2002 Page 76"

Latest Media Release

Whilst much of the information below relates to the now dumped cruise terminal project, it is here for readers to appreciate the history of our fight to maintain "no development north of Seaworld Nara".

Help us prevent the Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh backed cruise terminal from ruining the Spit and Straddie

The Beattie government appears to be steam rolling in a plan that risks irreversible damage to one of the most popular areas of the Gold Coast with little if any public consultation.

Peter Lawlor (ALP member for Southport) and Peta Kaye-Croft (ALP member for Broadwater) are risking an electoral backlash in the coming election. Gold Coast residents are not happy at the prospect of losing their green spaces with the backing of local members.

Humpback whale"Gold Coast Seaway best dive site in any Australian city"

says Humpback Whale

Letter of the Month

I protest deeply about ANY alteration to the present layout of the seaway end of our Spit.
EXCEPT the complete clean-up of the area, of dead trees, foliage, leaves, rubbish, etc.



Stop the GHD or any other assessment NOW!

Yes NOW! We don't want our money wasted after TODAY!

If this project & the ship terminal goes ahead then every taxpayer in Queensland will have to pay for this LOSER of a monstrosity & it's continuing up-keep, dredging, hydrodynamics, tourist impacts etc. .... FOREVER!

Any ship fees, tourist spending, taxes off business profits, etc. would NEVER pay for the costs, even if there were 365 ship-berthings each year ! ! And some passengers prefer to stay on-board!

Wake-up everyone .... STOP N O W!

Bob BLAIR , Surfers Paradise.

No Balance In Beattie Bligh Proposal>>

The following are under severe threat-:
  • South Stradbroke Island - one of the best surfing locations in Australia
  • Local diving industry with what is claimed to be the best dive location in any city in Australia

The expensive ongoing dredging is considered by many experts to be devastating to the marine environment that is currently very healthy.

An overwhelming majority of people just do not want to lose our public open space of the Southport Spit.

Details of the Beattie Government plans

Beattie Government Draft Terms of Reference Draft Terms of Reference 1,856 kb
Beattie Government Initial Advice Statement Initial Advice Statement. 433 kb
Deadline for public submissions is 28th November.
Government Fact Sheet

We are the official "Save Our Spit" campaign web site. The Spit and South Straddie are beautiful places to visit. It is the home of diverse wildlife, warm clear water and sandy beaches in Queenslands Gold Coast that enjoys a climate thats the envy of many in Australia.

Messages sent to Peter Beattie>>

before - after  


New Images from the seaway

large view

Public Rally

Doug Jennings Park - the Spit
Sunday April 3rd 10.30 am
Images of the Rally >>
Save Our Spit rally
SOS Tree at Doug Jennings Park planted at the rally...

stands Defiant!

Although the seaway is a partly man made the beauty it is such a contrast to the development of Surfers Paradise. We have a history of destroying our environment here on the Gold Coast. Building high rises on what is essentially the sandhills was a big mistake. We can learn from this and preserve the spit area for future generations and not the greedy aspirations of Developers and any Government silly enough to be influenced by them.

The 'The Save Ningaloo Campaign' was an example that has been successful in Western Australia and shows that the power of the people can make positive changes.

Well, this is Port Everglades!!!!

Will The Spit look like this in years to come?

In 1964, Port Everglades had 2 passenger/cargo terminals and served 75,000 passengers. Two ships could be berthed at Pier 4, which is at the site of present-day Terminal 2 and now used primarily by Princess Cruises. Pier 3, which is now cargo terminal 16, could also accommodate two ships. By comparison, in 2000 the port had 11 dedicated passenger terminals and handled nearly 3,000,000 passengers.

When the Gold Coast Seaway was built in 1986 the incoming and outgoing tide rose by 30cm which affected the high and low tide of all waterfront properties. If the cruise liner terminal proposal proceeds, homes on waterfront could be in danger of flooding with severe erosion of the older style revetment walls.


The first Indy promised that Macintosh Park would only have three marquees.

2004, Macintosh Park has decreased in size as business will grow and Indy has. The Spit is to have one berth (GCWeekend Bulletin 2-3 April 2004).?

We can learn from the mistakes of the past.
by Dr Michael Gourlay

We welcome contributors email

  • Fishermen
  • Divers
  • Jetski riders (the ones that obey the laws)
  • People who walk their dog
  • Boat enthusiasts
Content can be in any format (Word, PDF, images etc.)

Archival Info

Mr Beattie said the Gold Coast needed a world-class marina while residents had made it clear before last year's state election they wanted recreational areas preserved.
"So I just say to the Gold Coast this is a win-win for everybody," he said.

Save Marine Stadium

Stop Press!

Great News - Spitfighters!
Premier Beattie Saves Our Spit
Protection for the Gold Coast Spit at last!

Video of Marine Stadium Greek Shipping Tragedy - a reminder for us 3 mb
View Panorama Panoramic of the Seaway and Spit to Straddie
View Panorama Panoramic from the Seaway Kiosk
Video of Marine Stadium Marine Stadium Video 5 mb
Video of Marine Stadium Marine Stadium Video 3 mb

Gold Coast Scuba DivingNew Gold Coast Seaway Diving Footage
See Gropers, Bigeye Trevally and Manta Rays in the Gold Coast Seaway [right where they planned to place the terminal]
This would have been a natural Gold Coast Dive experience lost!

Donate to SOSA so we can advertise the issues and motivate others to speak out. Help protect our Marine Stadium from development!
We are 100% volunteers.

observer Comment "..was so impressed with the lovely tenacious lady who handed out leaflets for SOS all the long day and it got cold."

Go Boating Magazine Intimidation reported from Developer
"berated me for daring to run an article" read more >>

Boating Industry media conference transcript
transcript courtesy Lee Shipley

Spitfighters Rally and Breakfast a huge success. Pictures. Thanks to our speakers, supporters and Mason Rack and band.
Motion made at the Spitfigher Rally.

OOPs! she did it again - Anna Bligh's latest Bloopers

Join Us via our subscriber list Get vital updates - YOU helped stop the shipping terminal so now lets save Bum's Bay & protect the Spit from greedy governments /developers now & for generations to come.

SOSA welcomes the comments of Charles Dickson president of the Queensland Marine Industry Association.
Steve Gration talks about EIS Charles Dickson ABC interview 633 kb

Steve Gration ABC interview

Save Our Spit inc. merchandise for sale
Slide Show of Rally Extract courtesy ABC Stateline 617 kb flash (for broadband users)
Anna Bligh's statements are a must to listen to.

Slide Show of Rally Slide show of the Rally 1.5 mb flash Gold Coast Business Directory launched>>

 How can I help?

   Subscribe Now

  We will periodically keep you informed of important events
  and milestones during our campaign ( not required if you   opted in to our list with a letter to Peter Beattie )

Get active in your area download support material - petitions and pro forma letters

(as of 28 Jan 08) target 15,000
signatures (new petition)
over 28,000

     Messages sent to Peter Beattie>>

   Email your Friends and Family

Place in your email signature and email all of your friends

   Come to our next meeting -

Scheduled for early February

Contact your local MP directly and pass on your message (links contain email address)

Labor Members (ALP)
Anna Bligh Premier and Minister for the Arts
(South Brisbane)
(07) 3224 4500
Paul Lucas Deputy Premier, Minister for Health (07) 3237 1949
Peter Lawlor Minister for Tourism, Fair Trading
(07) 5532 5068
Andrew Fraser Treasurer and Minister for Employment and Economic Development (07) 3225 1861
Margaret Keech (Albert) (07) 3807 0809
Peta-Kaye Croft (Broadwater) (07) 5529 6000

Liberal National Party Members (LNP)
John-Paul Langbroek
(Surfers Paradise)
(07) 5538 9833
Janet Stuckey (Currumbin) (07) 5598 1387
Ross Bates (Mudgeraba) (07) 5569 0482
Dr Alex Douglas (Gaven) (07) 5502 1433

 Gold Coast Councillors contact details

Contact the Mayor and Councillors and pass on your message

"92.5% support a public recreational reserve on the spit and broadwater..."

"I would be in tears if anything destroyed the spit... this was the birth place of the Surfrider Foundation... we have an obligation to past and future generations to protect this area."

Brad Farmer founder of Surfrider Foundation comment at the recent SOS Alliance meeting.

"It is morally indefensible to take away public open space in this day and age"

A Main Beach resident at a recent Main Beach Progress Association meeting.

Submission to Director General, Dr Leo Keliher, Department of Premiers and Cabinet >>

Politicians are you for or against us? >>

A surfers perspective>>
Surfers v Ships>>
Commercial Skipper>>
Mayor Ron Clarke>>
More perspectives to come...

"If I could, I'd get rid of the cruise ships tomorrow. Their passengers clog up our airport and leave empty hotel rooms that tourists wishing to stay in the city can't access. They don't spend any money, other than cab fares getting between the airport and the cruise terminal. And they're a huge drain on our city's resources"

Jim Naugle, Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, home to one of the largest US Cruise ship terminals.

We have high rise upon high rise being built here - our infrastructure struggles and in peak periods not only are the roads ridiculously congested and gridlocked but it has been reported that our sewage system and pipe at the spit cannot cope with the load in its planned eb tide release. We need to look after what we have not build more problems for future generations.

Don't be fooled by any glossy Gold Coast Broadwater Master Plan its simply a proposal for development on public open space to suit a minority. The Cruise Ship Terminal may well be an excuse for a hidden agenda - like coffee shops and yachting marinas.
Read an article exposing Gold Coast Broadwater Master Plan - a farce



Development On The Spit And A Cruise Liner Terminal

Do you want this scenario for your city? If you are concerned please write to
Premier Peter Beattie
c/- Parliament House,
George St. Brisbane 4000


Four years ago the Queensland government produced a policy paper recommending the investigation of the development of four cruise liner terminal facilities in Queensland. These were, in order of priority, Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville and Gold Coast.
The taxpayers of Queensland forked out $6 million dollars for an initial development proposal by Woodsands in Brisbane which failed to eventuate. Now Multiplex, in return for an incentive of free crown land has subsequently begun the redevelopment of the Hamilton wharves Brisbane. This development proposes several tower blocks totalling 400 units. The profits are in the development and not the cruise terminal.

One year ago a consortium of developers, Australian Cruise Port International, headed by Mike Evans and including Leighton Constructions, Sinclair Knight Merz, and the Macquarie Bank proposed a cruise liner terminal in the Broadwater and a feasibility study was undertaken for three sites in the Broadwater.

The results of the study were not made public, but it appears that the Broadwater sites were unsuitable and the proposal currently being examined is for a floating pier structure in the Seaway for three liners with a swing basin adjacent to Wavebreak Island. The size of the liners to be accommodated is 300 metres in length and up to 18 storeys high.

One other proposal for a terminal and commercial development on the west side of the Spit has been put forward by Jeffrey Leigh- Smith, Gold Coast Marina, but there does not appear to be any financial backing for this one.

Current Situation

On Sunday 3rd April 2005,the Save Our Spit Alliance organised a public rally, which was held at Doug Jennings Park, the Spit and 2000 people attended. At the rally a motion was passed unanimously rejecting the development of a cruise liner terminal and requesting the creation of aquatic and land based reserves in the Broadwater and Spit for the conservation of nature and the enjoyment of the people of the Gold Coast in perpetuity.

On 29th April the SOS Alliance met with Leo Keliher, Director General of the Premier's Department to present the community's concerns and wishes for public reserves. The Beattie Government has undertaken a simulation study by Star Cruises of Malaysia, of liner movements in the Seaway under a variety of weather, tide and wave conditions. The results of the simulation study have been received by the Beattie Government, but kept secret from the public. Media reports indicate the "encouraging results" were that a liner could enter the Seaway in 20 knot winds- a light breeze. The Beattie Government has called for further studies and a decision will not be made for some months.
The Beattie Government has made no effort to consult the community on this issue or keep them informed.

The SOS Alliance opposes the cruise liner proposal for the following reasons. A copy of the motion passed at the rally is at the end of this list.

Impacts on Your City, Your Environment, Your lifestyle.
Commercial/ Residential Development on the Spit and Cruise Liner Terminal.

Community Impacts:
  • Loss of public open space forever- Doug Jennings Park and adjacent reserves for commercial development and the terminal and security zone around these.
  • Loss of the visual and aesthetic amenity of the Broadwater and foreshores as an open space in a high-density area.
  • Loss of recreational opportunities for fishing, diving and water users in the Broadwater, and thousands who use the Spit and South Stradbroke Island.
  • Increased crowds on the Spit and surrounding areas.
  • Higher levels of traffic on the Spit and surrounding residential areas.
  • High levels of pollution from the cruise liners and the terminal.
  • Increased levels of danger to water craft and other water users when the liners are navigating the Seaway and swing basin.
  • Potential danger and pollution from stored fuels and other hazardous materials, including waste disposal holding tanks, if the port is a bunkering port.

Economic Impacts and Questions:
  • A cost/benefit analysis is not available for public scrutiny.
  • The Mayor of Fort Lauderdale in Florida recently visited Gold Coast and told a public gathering in paraphrase

    "If I could get rid of the cruise liners I would. The returns are small and the cost to the community resources are enormous."
  • Economic losses to current users of the Broadwater. The recreational fishing industry is worth $50 million and 400 jobs to the local economy. The Dive industry is worth millions and would be lost to NSW. Many other businesses depend on the Broadwater.
  • Dredging costs are estimated at a minimUm of $5 million per year. The developer does not want to pay this.
  • Dredging costs will remain even if the terminal fails economically.
  • A terminal is not economically viable unless major commercial/residential development on free public land accompanies it.
  • How viable will the Spit terminal be in competition with the Brisbane terminal?
  • Research of economic benefits, indicate modest returns unless the terminal provides full provisioning of fuel and all other materials.
  • Economic benefits estimated to date, indicate modest returns unless the terminal provides full provisioning of fuel and all other materials.
  • Will there by waste disposal costs to our city?
Environmental Impacts:
  • A total change to the ecology of the Broadwater will result from a deeper channel and swing basin increasing the tidal flow.
  • Increased turbidity of water due to continuous dredging and the screws of the liners and tugs.
  • These impacts will result in the loss of a new colony of seahorses, the rare waspfish and other fish which are not normally found this far south.
  • The hydrodynamics of the Seaway will change again and the impacts cannot be fully predicted.
  • Flooding threats to waterways and canals and South Stradbroke island from increased tidal flows, high tides and heavy rainfall events. GCCC studies indicate there is no allowance for higher water levels in these systems.
  • A typical cruise ship carries up to 3000 passengers and crew. The largest carry 5000 people and are bigger than an aircraft carrier. These are floating cities with all a city's problems.
  • Waste/pollution- a cruise ship generates in one week - 50 tons of garbage; 1 million gallons of grey water from bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry; 210,00 gallons of sewage; 35,000 gallons of oil-contaminated water and unknown amounts of hazardous waste.
  • Each day in port a single cruise ship generates air pollution equal to 12,240 cars.
  • Dumping of untreated sewage and bilge water in our coastal waters.
  • Experience in the USA notes this is a regular occurrence and difficult to police. Those caught prefer to pay the fines rather than clean up their act.
  • Alien marine species could invade the Broadwater brought here on the cruise ships.
  • Pollution from runoff of oils and rubbish dockside
  • Loss of public recreational space to port facilities and development.
  • Vehicle pollution increases with increased traffic.
  • Noise pollution from increased traffic, the liners and associated craft.


Those members of the public and community of the Gold Coast assembled here call upon the State Government of Queensland and the Premier Peter Beattie, in particular, to act upon the following motion passed unanimously at the Save Our Spit and terminate the Terminal Public Rally, Sunday 3rd April 2005.

"That the Beattie Government respect the wishes of the Gold Coast and wider community in opposing the development of a cruise liner terminal and subsequent alienation of public open space in the Seaway, Broadwater and the Spit.
That the Beattie Government refuses any private development or Government initiated development application to build a cruise liner terminal in the Seaway or Broadwater, nor allow the subsequent supporting infrastructure, commercial and residential development on public open space on the Spit or other Broadwater foreshores.
That the community requests a commitment from the Beattie Government to retain, manage and resource the public open spaces of the Spit and Broadwater as natural areas for the conservation of nature and the enjoyment of the public now and in the future."
Proposed: Anthony Fearon, President Gecko, Gold Coast and Hinterland Environment Council. Seconded: Lyn Wright, Main Beach Progress Association and Friends of Federation Walk. CARRIED.

Gecko- Gold Coast & Hinterland Environment Council-55341412.

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