SAVE OUR SPIT - No Cruise Terminal Gold Coast

Video extract courtesy ABC Stateline.

On January 10th 2006, SOSA met with Anna Bligh and told her the navigational study used as the basis for the EIS was scientifically flawed. The Malaysian Study used average figures of a 0 - 1.3 knot current, maximum 1.3 metre seas and maximum wind speeds of 16 knots gusting to 20 knots. Ths Study did not test with wind directions of North, NW, West or SW at all.
At the conclusion of the meeting Anna Bligh was served a written briefing paper confirming what was discussed.

SOSA told Anna Bligh the figures are wrong and well below realistic averages. SOSA also told Anna Bligh that using the simulation methodology and using the true figures, the cruise ship would founder in the Seaway, more than it would successfully dock.

On January 25th 2006, A further letter was sent to Anna Bligh outlining the the major points of our meeting on January 10th. This letter reminded her that at the January 10th meeting she would investigate the flawed navigational study.

We have never received a response or been asked by Anna Bligh or anyone else from the Government for further information.

The Anna Bligh interview was filmed on March 2006. The ABC Stateline program screend on March 30th.

On November 28th 2005, The Department of State Development recieved in written form in the SOSA official response to the Draft Terms of Reference to the Environmental Impact Study that the navigational study was flawed.

So who do you believe - Anna Bligh and her Bureaucrats - or SOSA?

We at SOSA and the majority of Gold Coasters believe this is a very stupid idea which does not stack up. Turning beautiful natural looking areas into a shipping terminal and private yacht marina is not very smart.

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